Reducing energy waste and having your restaurant operate at maximum efficiency is no overnight accomplishment. Implementing new methods to save on energy is usually a process that spans weeks, months, and even years.
Even though it may take a long time to achieve your goals and reach your final destination, the best way to make progress is to start the journey toward energy efficiency. Here are five things to implement in your restaurant today that will get you and your energy bills closer to where you want to be.
- Make it a team effort. Your staff not only play a crucial role in helping with customer satisfaction, but they also can cut down on the restaurant’s energy usage. Educate your staff on energy conservation practices, such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use, and encourage your staff to report any energy waste they observe. You could even reward those who come up with ideas for energy efficiency and use energy-saving practices.
- Change out the lights. If you use incandescent or fluorescent lighting, a quick run to the hardware store for new LED lighting will save you money down the road. LED lights are energy-efficient and last longer than traditional lighting options.
- Check the thermostat: Heating and cooling can be a major source of energy use in a restaurant. Make sure your HVAC system is set to optimal temperatures, and install programmable thermostats to reduce energy waste during off-hours. Each person and restaurant is unique, but, as a general rule, it is recommended to keep the temperature between 68-72°F during the winter and 74-78°F during the summer. If you don’t want to always keep an eye on the thermostat, installing an energy management system is a great way to reduce energy and keep your restaurant at a comfortable temperature.
- Let the light shine. Take advantage of natural light to reduce your energy consumption. Open blinds and curtains during the day to let natural light in and turn off unnecessary lights. During the warmer times of the year, use blinds to block the afternoon sun and help keep your restaurant cool.
- Take a look at your appliances. There is a popular piece of advice that says, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” While useful in most areas, this saying just doesn’t apply to your kitchen. Your appliances may still be working smoothly, but if they do not use energy efficiently, you would be better off making the investment to replace them with energy-efficient ones. Energy-efficient appliances can save up to 30% on energy costs.
For a detailed approach on saving energy at your restaurant, consider reaching out to GWT2Energy today.