woman eating in restaurant in summer

It’s Not Too Late! 3 Brilliant Tips to Conserve Energy This Summer

n Even though a portion of the summer season has already passed us by, it’s not too late for restaurant owners and managers to take action to lower those upcoming energy bills. These methods can have an immediate impact to cut costs, as they reduce a restaurant’s energy burden:Add Awnings to the WindowsMaybe you’d like to preserve some natural light, and you don’t want to keep the blinds down, but you really want to cut down on the heat from the scorching sun.Consider the fix of adding in window

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demand charges affect restaurant bill

How Do Demand Charges Impact Your Electric Bill

As a restaurant owner/manager, you accept that there are some fixed operating costs. Lot rent, electricity, water, sewer, staffing costs, etc. all are things you cannot avoid.Once you have established operational hours, electricity costs should remain relatively fixed, or at least one would logically assume so. However, in many cities across the United States, this is not the case thanks to demand charges. These charges can greatly affect your restaurant.In fact, we here at GWT2Energy are

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man maintains equipment in restaurant

Proper Restaurant Equipment Maintenance Helps Profit Margins

All-too-often, thin net profit margins are a problem for restaurants. This is where the “small” things make all the difference.You see, most restaurateurs have some understanding of cost control measures. Yet, mastering these measures and rolling them into a comprehensive plan is a difficult task.With this in mind, it’s best to look at each measure separately before implementing that optimal holistic strategy. Proper equipment maintenance is a vital measure. It attacks thin profit margins by

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woman with common sense will lower restaurant operating costs

Energy Efficiency and Common Sense Combine to Lower a Restaurant’s Costs

The value of training staff in habits that conserve power is often overlooked when organizing an energy management plan in restaurants. Lighting and equipment that’s energy efficient is a must, but something as simple as turning off faucets rather than letting them run can offer big savings in the long run.In fact, the prevalence of high energy costs make addressing all types of waste essential in order for a restaurant to remain profitable.Installing Equipment that’s Proven Energy

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couple photographs their food in restaurant

How to Ensure Food Costs for Your Restaurant is Profitable

Running a restaurant is hard, unpredictable work. Each opening day has a variety of outcomes that depend on staff, customers, and delivery schedules for food and supplies. Owning a restaurant isn’t for the easily discouraged as there will be all types of setbacks which can make the experience both exciting and tiring. The most essential part of running a restaurant is, of course, the food. The quality, cost, and availability of each item on the menu will impact the type of customers who will

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woman dines outside during summer

Saving During the Summer Months: Restaurant Energy Consumption 101

As a restaurant owner, you are all too aware that patrons want to feel comfortable when dining at your establishment.Think of yourself for a minute: going to a restaurant in the middle of the summer, where it’s 100 degrees outside, and 90 degrees inside. It’s likely you wouldn’t feel too comfortable in the establishment and would want to leave.The same goes for your patrons. Understanding a few simple tips will allow you to create a comfortable, cool environment for patrons, without killing your

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man washes dishes at restaurant

10 Tricks to Lower your Restaurant’s Hot Water Bill

Unnecessary hot water usage is akin to watching cash go down the drain. Just thinking of wasted water is brutal to us as restaurants already use a lot of H₂O.In fact, the EPA states that US restaurants use over 50 billion gallons of water annually. While using a good deal of hot water is inherent to the restaurant business, you can minimize the impact.Here are 10 tricks to lower your restaurant’s hot water bill:#1 Routine water heater thermostat checkups Check-ups help ensure maximum efficiency.

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Regulate Energy Consumption

Quick Fixes and Energy Management: You Can’t Ignore Either One

Energy Management in Restaurants We know you have thoughts about how to reduce your restaurant’s or franchise’s energy costs…and that you keep making efforts to do it. We also know you have multiple other demands on your time, including your primary mission of providing customers with the best food, the best service, and the best price.But sooner or later, most owner-operators or managers start to consider a serious, concerted campaign to reduce energy costs. Probably because they know, from

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create an exceptional guest experience

3 Ways to Create an Exceptional Guest Experience at Your Restaurant

The most important people at your restaurant are the guests. We can agree that they keep the doors open and the grills fired up! So creating great experiences for guests is an important aspect of the restaurant business.In fact, the biggest reason people stop visiting a restaurant is due to poor service. Therefore, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of customer service!So here are a few ways you can create and cultivate a great experience for your patrons that keeps them coming back for more.

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using an energy management system

The Pros and Cons of Restaurants Using an Energy Management System

Restaurants Using An Energy Management System Being a restaurant owner or manager comes with a lot of responsibility. Some common ones include ensuring the kitchen is clean and up to code, that the menu items are exceptional, and everyone’s performing well in their job roles.Also, ensuring the restaurant is profitable is incredibly important. So making sure all costs are within reason is vital. Yet, one area many restaurants often overlook is energy consumption.The Good: Controlling Costs with

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